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Debbie Tingley

Posted on February 22 2022

Natural Dye Process Workshop Training

         Learning the technique of stretching and snapping cotton yarn to separate before dying process

After months of covid shutdown in villages, the Hands To Heart Women's Project Director Debbie Tingley and team partner Malee, have been on the move through the villages to meet with women's group leaders and give vital training workshops to empower them as entrepreneurs. They recently gave an interactive natural dye process and quality control workshop. Reviving an old skill set almost forgotten of utilizing natural elements of the land to dye their cotton yarn, as well as, learning how to weave with good quality control for new markets other than their own clothing. The members where so excited about gaining new knowledge and preparing them for new markets to come, which means more consistent sustainable income. Every purchase that is made through Hands To Heart Thailand is providing the financial means for training/development to empower these amazing women and as needed, micro-loans to help them start their micro-enterprises through a collaboration between Integrated Tribal Development Project and

 Lanna Foundation.

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